If this icon is displayed, there is no information known about the given computer yet. It isn't possible to login to this computer.
If this icon is displayed, program engine is probably running and it is possible to login to this computer.
If this icon is displayed, program engine is probably not running and it isn't possible to login to this computer.
If you are logged in on some computer, you could see a list of available tasks, which can be used at the moment.
There is an icon next to the file name of each task showing its current state. If the task is not running, it shows this icon (task "Not running" in Figure). If the task is running, there is a green ball ( task "Running" in Figure) next to the task name. If the task is paused the ball is red ( task "Paused" in Figure).
The operations with tasks can be performed either by the popup menu or via the "Task" menu, which is available in the main program menu. Both these menus offer absolutely the same items allowing to perform the appropriate operations.
You can start or pause (not to stop) the task by selecting the task by mouse and pressing "Enter" key or double clicking on the task name with left mouse button.
The shortcut menu displayed after the right mouse button click on the task name, shows this picture . Its concrete content depends on the actual state of the task and the user's rights. The chosen function will be performed with the task on which name the right mouse button has been pressed.
The popup menu can contain the following commands:
The operations with listed computers can be performed either by the popup menu or via the "Computer" menu, which is available in the main program menu. Both these menus offer absolutely the same items allowing to perform the appropriate operations.
The popup menu displayed by clicking on the computer's name with the right mouse button shows this picture.
There is more information about the currently selected item in the right part of the page.
If the user has computer selected, there is an information displayed about the chosen computer: its name, domain name, DNS name. Furthermore it is login time and name of the user logged in.
Some of this information is not available if the computer is not connected in the network.
If the user has task selected, there is an information displayed about the chosen task: task owner, group, the computer on which is task stored, the user using the task at the moment, the tests which are performed by the task. If the task is running, the user is informed about the task progress.